The below is our philosophy on how to build brands that are worth paying more for. These are the things we will never change our mind on. Based upon our collective 40 years experience on working with the best brands across North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa, they form the basis for how we diagnose a challenge and execute strategy.

Each tattoo is rich with data backed theory, fresh case studies from the best brands in the world, workshop exercises, and bespoke products.

Illuminate the invisible

Learn how to to unlearn the so-called ‘rules of the category’ and how to illuminate the opportunity that remains invisible to the competition.

Have the audacity to matter

The future belongs to brands driven by an audacious conviction to challenge the ‘world order’, for the better of everyone.

Create shared value

People are voting with their wallets by aligning with brands whose business model is part of the solution, not the problem.

Aim for fame

With over 90% of all branded communications being entirely ignored, forget chasing awareness, learn how to be impossible to ignore instead.

Cultivate your cult

The greatest brands of all time infiltrate culture in order to cultivate a cult, not consumers.

Be ingeniously resourceful

It’s not about how many resources you have at your disposal… it’s about how resourceful your team and company culture can be.